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TouchPay’s innovative advertising platform for Digital Out-of-Home

Where digital experiences intersect with the real, physical world.

Our Digital OOH Platform


TouchPay, also called Automated Payment Machine (APM), is a payment terminal that offers the ultimate convenience in all sort of payments incorporating speed, safety, and security, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A supermarket of bills payment!

Every APM has a 2nd screen on top – a DOOH platform for TouchAds.


Easy and Fast – We have over a thousand kiosks nationwide and still expanding

Safe and Secure – Sophisticated technology to ensure secure data and money transfer

Convenient Paying – Each transaction takes less than two minutes to complete

No more lining up at banks, ATM’s, utilities, payment centers, etc. With these benefits, customers are repeat customers after the first experience. TouchPay is habit-forming, and therefore traffic-driving product.

Geographical Marketing

Where are the TouchPay terminals? Here’s a bird’s eye view of our APM locations:

  • No. of machines in Luzon 86% 86%
  • No. of machines in Visayas 9% 9%
  • No. of machines in Mindanao 5% 5%

TouchAds allows you to target where your ad appears to tap a specific location or demographic. Our locations can be further narrowed down to allow targeted advertising by cities, municipalities, regions.

Our Platform Advantages

Maximize Brand Awareness

Motivate Customers to Act

Grow Your Business

Targeted, Geographical Marketing

Over a thousand APM nationwide. Ad packages customizable to allow for targeted, geographical marketing.

Sensory Marketing

Interactive nature of machine means heightened brand recall through sensory marketing.

Heightened brand recall and number of impressions

Product quickly becomes part of life as customers get used to paying all bills through TouchPay terminals: habit-forming product.

ROI on your Advertisement

Only ad avenue with conversion to sales through integrations as one of our merchant billers. Your ad becomes a point of sale and ROI is better measured.

Other Stats


Our locations boasts close to more than 1 million viewers ( from A to C1 class ages 6 to 60 years old, male and female) at 2000+ location, Your ads will play 30 times per hour, 24/7 in 6 months your ads will play over 130,000 times!

The best part is you can change your ad anytime. If you need to promote a limited time or locations just send us the ad and we will remotely upload within 24 hours.

Partner billers: 200 and growing

• Repeat visits are guaranteed

Locations: 2000+ nationwide in high traffic areas

• Including areas where traditional advertising avenues may not reach the target market, e.g. Call Center and BPO’s.

• High traffic public like malls, groceries, convenience stores, bus terminals, etc.

• High traffic private like offices, call centers, factories, etc.

Average transactions per day:

• Over million transactions per day across the entire Philippines.

Some of our ads

Our platform and skills empower brands, offices and media proprietors to convey more smarter digital O-O-H campaigns. Below are some of our works.

Premium Ads

The Traffic Driver

• Dedicated ads screen with 15 sec. mute rolling ads to attract the customer’s attention and drive traffic to the machine.

• Static banner ads on every single transaction screen on the billing platform

The Call to Action

• Our one of a kind Premium Advertising Avenue that allows direct conversion from an ad to a sale. Giving real return of investment from your ads.

We to hear from you.

Let us know how we can help!

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